Tuesday, April 24, 2012

4/24/12 Look of the Day 'Spring Gloom'

Today was a gloom filled day both literally and psychologically draining. I've also been pressuring myself to make a post but I've just been so busy; friends pulling my away until three in the morning, schoolwork, and participating in a play. Hence, I felt like I needed my hair to be in a crazy bun, no makeup, and pleasant clothing. My role in the play as a Russian Duchess in You Can't Take it With You inspired me to wear an emerald green sweater(Target) with an imperial elephant necklace(from childhood) and a silver swirled ring(Mexico). I paired it with black jeans cuffed up(H&M) and my infamous Chucks(also from Target). <3
I miss blogging! I'll try my best to keep updated.